Running your own marketing can get tricky. Sometimes you'll encounter roadblocks that you know are a silly little hurdle on the way to completing a task, but end up taking more time to figure out than the task itself. Or sometimes you just want an expert to complete a project from start to finish for you - whether it be setting up ad campaigns, building email flows, dashboards or other. Our hedgehogs are ready to get their paws dirty and speed up your marketing.
Hedgehog’s coaching and support has been vital in GluteGuards growth. The are a critical part of our business, and we couldn’t do without them.
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Working with Hedgehog has been the best marketing decision we've made. There are no questions that we'll continue to work with them long term!
Just want someone to get the full job done for you? We're available for not only assistance, but also full projects, seeing them out from start to finish.
Some jobs aren't so simple - and we understand that. That's why we offer technical assistance to help you through some of the more technically challenging aspect tasks so you can focus on the rest.
Whether its email support and our 24-48 turnaround (depending on what program you're on) or technical assistance and implementation in our weekly sprints, we'll make sure you're not left sitting, waiting, wishing, wondering like Jack Johnson.
Your questions and campaigns won't be shoved off to a junior who doesn't know Google Ads from Facebook Ads. Projects are distributed to Hedgehogs who are subject matter experts in each channel.
Let's meet and see if we're a good fit. We'd like to hear about your business and explain our unique process.
We'll get into the weeds of your business, intimately understanding your unique challenges, objectives and goals.
Hedgehog are here to help grow your business and your understanding of your digital marketing practices.
Our hedgehogs will keep a spike on the pulse, ensuring that performance is regularly reviewed and there's no ambiguity in your marketing approach.
For marketing folk who want to ask a question to the experts.
For businesses who want to be trained on the tools inside their own accounts.
For businesses who want to set up new accounts and manage them effectively.
Brutally honest audits and bespoke strategy, stepping out short, medium and long term plans.
Coaching programs to pace implementation, building out quarterly plans stepping out high, medium and low priority focus.
Personalised 1-1 platform training to teach you how to use the platforms, within your own accounts.
Technical implementation for when you want to outsource, and a marketing partner when you have any questions to ask.
Window shopping? Ready to dive in? Just want to make sure we're not actually hedgehogs in business suits? (No comment.)
Have a plan in mind or just want to chat? We’re here—fill out the form and let’s get started.
Prefer to hash it out on a call? Say hello 👋
Have a plan in mind or just want to chat? We’re here—fill out the form and let’s get started.
Managing your own digital marketing isn't actually that hard, unlike some people in the industry would have you believe. You can do it and we want to show you how.
Whether you're new to digital marketing or are currently in the weeds, we are here to assist you in getting the most out of the platform.
Digital Marketing is a never-ending changing beast. Buttons move, settings shift and best practices are always changing.
We stay abreast with the latest digital strategies, keeping our finger on the pulse of what works and simplifying it for our clients so that you can manage your own digital marketing with confidence.
I love working with Hedgehog! Do not pass go, do not collect $200 and go with Hedgehog!
Just want someone to get the full job done for you? We're available for not only assistance, but also full projects, seeing them out from start to finish.
Some jobs aren't so simple - and we understand that. That's why we offer technical assistance to help you through some of the more technically challenging aspect tasks so you can focus on the rest.
Whether its email support and our 24-48 turnaround (depending on what program you're on) or technical assistance and implementation in our weekly sprints, we'll make sure you're not left sitting, waiting, wishing, wondering like Jack Johnson.
Your questions and campaigns won't be shoved off to a junior who doesn't know Google Ads from Facebook Ads. Projects are distributed to Hedgehogs who are subject matter experts in each channel.
Window shopping? Ready to dive in? Just want to make sure we're not actually hedgehogs in business suits? (No comment.)
Have a plan in mind or just want to chat? We’re here—fill out the form and let’s get started.
Prefer to hash it out on a call? Say hello 👋
Have a plan in mind or just want to chat? We’re here—fill out the form and let’s get started.